Title: Mungu Mkuu (Almighty God) [Evelyn Wanjiru]
Download (Sung in Swahili) Chorus: Zaidi ya yote (Above it…
Title: Matokeo [Results] (Gloria Muliro)
(Sung in Swahili) Chorus: Sasa nangoja matokeo (Now I await the results)…
Title: Unatosha [You are Enough] (Eunice Njeri)
(Sung in Swahili) Nimeubeba msalaba wangu (I have carried my cross) Nikufuate…
Title: Neema ya Golgotha [Golgotha’s Grace] (Gaby Kamanzi)
(Sung in Swahili – A Hymn) Nilipofika Goligotha, (When I arrived…
Title: Tubonge [Let’s Talk] (Jose Chameleon)
(Sung in Swahili) Nina wewe wa kweli (I have You in truth)…
Title: Usiyeshindwa [Undefeatable] (Sarah Kiarie)
(Sung in Swahili) Mataifa yote, yanakufahamu (All nations, know You) Kuwa…